Self-nominations requested for NuSTAR Users' Committee
NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) high-energy mission is seeking letters of self-nomination for people to rotate onto the NuSTAR Users' Committee (NUC). The NUC provides community advice and feedback to the project and NASA Headquarters, and helps ensure the interests of the guest investigator community are well-served by the project.
Membership consists of 10 members of the NuSTAR science community, with 2-3 year terms planned. The committee meets 2-3 times per year. Most such meetings are ~1 hour telecons.
The NUC is currently chaired by John Tomsick. Further details on the NUC, including its charter, are available at:
Membership on this committee is open to the world, and we intend a committee that is diverse in terms of career stage, gender, ethnicity, and scientific focus. Letters of self-nomination, due Friday, October 2nd, 2020, should be sent to
nuc-chair _at_ lists.srl.caltech.edu
Self-nomination letters should be up to one page in length, and should include a 1-page CV.